Jumat, 24 Januari 2020

The Lydian Lion platform was created with the aim of connecting the entire human population from various parts of the world into a container through a single service interface

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Thanks to the progress that has taken place in the world technology industry, gave birth to a new technology name called Blockchain. This technology is a sophisticated technology that uses an operational system called decentralization and encryption. These systems have performance with a very good level of efficiency that makes this technology look so sophisticated. The decentralized system in this technology works by giving absolute freedom to a user in controlling all the data they have without being acquired by other parties such as government agencies, financial services and so on. While the encryption system functions as a protector for all user data stored on a platform. This system can prevent all kinds of data leakage problems and cyber crime actions that will occur on a number of user data.
With the perfection and greatness of the workings of this technology, technology scientists compete with each other to create platforms that support and facilitate all activities of human life. One of the platforms created using this technology is Lydian Lion.
Lydian lion is a platform created with services in the social sphere of life. A user can use this platform to access various social applications such as health services, employment services, cultural applications and so on. A trader can also offer their products through this platform to find the right consumers from all over the world. This platform was created by a group of teams with professional expertise in their respective fields. Lydian Lion is led by a Croatian man named Leon Soljic. He is an entrepreneur who has quite mature experience in various fields thanks to the efforts that have been carried out before.
The Lydian Lion platform was created with the aim of connecting the entire human population from various parts of the world into a container through a single service interface. In addition, this platform is also dedicated to their best offers and prizes that will be given to users to spend and benefit in other forms.
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Currently, Lydian Lion is running their ICO (Initial Coin Offering) program by placing 50% of the total tokens they have for these activities. Every user who wants to join this platform at that time has the opportunity to get a number of additional tokens apart from the tokens they bought. The Lydian Lion token is a token generated by this platform and can be used to obtain additional promotion and marketing options from this platform. A Lydian Lion token is equivalent to 0.0011 USD / 0.001 €. Lydian Lion tokens must be owned by someone in order to get a constant profit in the long run. In addition to ICO, Lydian Lion has also allocated their tokens for other purposes. 10% of the total tokens that they spend are given for prize programs, 10% for campaigns / promotions, 10% for the construction of this platform, and 20% for the Live life programs they will run.
Live Life is a program that they will realize for human social interests. This program will contain various facilities such as social, cultural, health facilities, food needs, information about artists, work information and so on. Each user who accesses these facilities will be given a number of coins as a prize. These coins can later be exchanged with a number of tokens that are owned by the Lydian Lion platform.
Hasil gambar untuk lydian lion coin for sale
With its presence in the midst of the technology industry, Lydian Lion is also determined to develop this platform more widely in the future by maximizing their performance and utilization for the social life of the entire human population. For enthusiasts or investors who want to find out more about this platform can visit it through their official website via www.lydian-lion.com.

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Author : sarman_1

ETH :0x8b5cEE0d380157786eD7ebb5dd788d5e7f44b25C

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