Kamis, 12 Maret 2020

Insure is one of the crypto services in the form of insurance in the crypto portfolio

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inSure is one of crypto projects that was launched in mid-2019 ago, even though it is not yet one year old, but this project looks able to compete in crypto world. The service they offer is insurance in crypto portfolios. So here’s the thing, if you often see someone’s post about a victim of fraud or you’ve yourself been fooled and lost a large amount of assets, inSure can help pay back a number of assets with a SURE token that was stolen or lost, certainly with some stringent requirements.
If you want to join or protect your assets through this inSure service, you must have a plan or choice as stated on this website https://insuretoken.net/plans.html
There are levels of members such as Beginner 1 to DIAMOND, the difference is taken from how many SURE tokens you hold and will get services according to what is written in table.
Example “Beginner 1” level:
Get a validity period of 1/3 year or 4 months insurance calculated from the first day of holding a SURE token. So after exceeding that time interval, it can’t.
Scammers 80%, if you lose money from a scammer, InSure can only pay back as much as 80% of total assets.
Devalution of 70%, if you lose value of a currency due to devaluation, Insure can only pay back as much as 70% of total assets. (Devaluation is decline in value of domestic currency against foreign currencies)
Stolen Funds 50%, if you lose assets due to theft, InSure can only pay back as much as 50% of total assets.
Value inSured 1000 $, is the maximum amount insured.
Required SURE tokens 2500, you must hold 2500 inSure tokens to join this service.
To purchase a SURE token, you can buy it at several crypto exchanges at https://insuretoken.net/wallets.html.
How do I send a request?, if we have held a token according to the requirements above and we lost assets? Send requests via email request@insuretoken.net which contain:
  1. Name crypto coin/ token
  2. Your affected wallet address
  3. Date of the accident
  4. Your wallet address that holds SURE tokens
  5. Additional information to take into account
  6. Sign the following message with your myEtherWallet (that holds SURE tokens): “I am the .
  7. holder of SURE tokens requesting inSure team to process my request: {include_all_points_from_1_to_5}”
The team will work on it in 3–4 days, to find the best solution.
(This information was taken from official website https://insuretoken.net/index.html)
If the solution is to repay, inSure team will guide you through exchanging your SURE tokens as desired.
Hasil gambar untuk insure.io
For direct support contacts, you can join telegram group https://t.me/insuresystem and discuss with admin or contact via email info@insuretoken.net. Admin tries to provide fast and full service 24/7, and SURE tokens run on Ethereum network, which makes transactions fast.

Author :
Usename : Sarman_1
Eth : 0x8b5cEE0d380157786eD7ebb5dd788d5e7f44b25C

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