Rabu, 12 Februari 2020

The (GEOMA DAO) is nothing else than a Distributed Network of Contributors

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Machine Learning, AI, Automation, Robotics , Blockchain....Economy , Society, Finance, Environment..... Our World is changing fast and we should keep up with this Change.
2000 People on our Planet hold more Wealth than 4.6billion of the poorest. This are some astonishing, but not at all surprising numbers. Can we blame the 2000 for their success? Not at all. Why should we? They just use the tools that the System is giving them, in a pragmatic manner to gain more and more Wealth. Is it moral and ethical? This is a totally different question. To get wealthy on the expense of others or by destroying the environment , is very questionable, and by common sense deeply immoral and unethical. Following some of the actions of big Corporations and Governments it seems like they are not living on this Planet and that there is no need to care about coming Generations. The ruthlessness of some of their actions are absolutely mind blowing. And people all over the World are fighting back.....with little or no efficiency. The System just keeps doing what the System does , unless it will be disrupted somehow..... One of these new Technologies of the 21 Century gives people the power to disrupt certain questionable activities. The Technology is called the Blockchain or the Distributed Ledger Technology.I f used in the right way, meaning decentralised, it can indeed change the outlook upon our Future, into a positive one.
If hijacked by Governments and Corporations it can only enslave us more than we already are. A real disruptor in the form and functionality of DeFi, or Decentralised Finance , using the Blockchain , is the DAO , the Decentralised Autonomous Organisation. DAOs, are constructs of a New Economic Model using the Blockchain to create a shared Economy, Wealth and Wellbeing in a socially conscious way. It takes a certain amount of education and courage to become a member of a DAO and participate in proposal and voting acts.Nevertheless, a DAO , if formed properly from the beginning , can achieve things unimaginable for a single individual. This is why we created The.


We will keep this simple, pragmatic and to the point. Blockchain Technology was designed to be disruptive. Disruption comes from decentralisation and autonomy. The DAO or the Decentralised Autonomous Organisation, as a structure, was born the same day Blockchain Technology was revealed to the public. It is, in our opinion, the most advanced model of worldwide human collaboration to date. It is indeed THE NEW ECONOMIC MODEL FOR THE 21 CENTURY. The potential of a DAO is enormous and has still to be explored. It is given by the Intelligence, the Know-How and the high Moral Standards of its contributors. The contributors can make progressive proposals within the DAO targeting innovative technologies from different sectors like Energy, Farming, Healthcare, Insurance just to mention some examples. The performance of the DAO increases manyfold if it can operate in the physical world. And exactly this is what the GEOMA DAO will achieve:Create Cashflow and Wealth for its Contributors.


A DAO, as a governance structure, is not yet well understood by the general public. Most of us are so entangled in the current system, that the concept of a DAO seems to be Science Fiction. What we do know is that a Corporate structure is built as a model with infinite expansion. Infinite expansion is not possible. Due to the structure, such a model will definitely fail. But before it does it will do anything to maximise profits. We reached the point where expansion gets to a halt. And look with what we are left behind. Take a look at our Oceans, our Forrests, our Water, our Food-quality, our Elderly, our Society.It is , without a doubt, not sustainable in the long run. DAO’s are definitely a viable alternative. They could change the Economic Landscape for a more conscious future of our Society.
The (GEOMA DAO) is nothing else than a Distributed Network of Contributors. The DAO is not created for fast profits, it is created to generate steady and sustainable growth and it lives, communicates and interacts via Smart Contracts on the Blockchain. It will function exactly as Blockchain Technology should:
  • Disrupting the usual way of Governance. There will be no CEO, Upper Management, Middle Management, Lower Management a.s.o.The founders should be regarded as pure contributors to the Network. Their role is simply to oversee and build the first Ownership mass. Most fund-siphoning from the ICO-Market was done by Companies that had a Pyramid structure of governance. This usual type of centralised governance allows individuals to create asymmetric information flows resulting in hazardous outcomes for other individuals. In other words, this type of governance, coming from a strictly regulated World, can easily lead to elaborate scams and manipulation in the, by concept, decentralised World of the Autonomous Organisation.
  • Proposals are the primary way of decision making within the GEOMA DAO.
  • Voting upon a proposal for implementation is a must feature of the GEOMA DAO.
  • Consensus is created if a predefined percentage of contributors agree upon an action.
  • For project implementation, Contractors will be appointed by voting.
  • The GEOMA DAO is created to generate real Wealth for its contributors and bring value to society.


Governance is the most important part of a DAO. Most Blockchain Companies have centralised governance models. In our opinion this is in conflict with the core definition of what Decentralised Autonomous Organisation means. The power and potential of a DAO are its members and their ability to perform governance. In order to function properly , governance will be performed through blockchain dApps via a governance portal. Proposals, Voting, Debate, Finance, Vault, Lending will all be part of the dApp. Every paperwork performed in the physical World by the third party operators will be given an id via the Blockchain and will be accessible by DAO members through the Membership portal. The Model could look like this.
Because of the Nature of our project we preferred not to come with a ready made product. There are a lot of good Blockchains in the space. We would like to build on the most decentralised ones. Common Sense dictates that the DAO members should propose and vote a Blockchain o which to build. There are three options :
  • Using a ready build Blockchain and integrating our dApps on such.
  • Building a Child-chain .
  • Or Building an entirely new Blockchain.
  • Members will decide.
In order to have a flawless governance flow, a DAO should also have Representatives. These are individuals from within the community which stand out through their activities and commitment. Representatives have the role, amongst others, to step in, when there are dangers within the Network, sort these out and keep the workflow at high standards.
In case of hazards , like we have seen a lot recently , power outages or internet shutdowns performed by governments, or other causes , Representatives will have access to the archive stored on diverse servers as a safety measure for the contributors.
A Paper archive should also be conducted. To avoid duplicates the DAO will use Blockchain IDs to secure the authenticity of each document.


The GMD - ERC20 Token should be seen as a Utility Token. It gives Token Holders the right to propose, vote and take part in activities within the Network. Can it be seen as a Security Token? Let’s see what the SEC has to say in it’s Guidelines. As the Howey test indicates, an “investment contract” exists when there is the investment of money in a common enterprise with a reasonable expectation of profits to be derived from the efforts of others. Whether a particular digital asset at the time of its offer or sale satisfies the test depends on the specific facts and circumstances.
  • Is this an investment of money in a common enterprise? No, because the GEOMA DAO
  • is not a Company or a Corporation, and so it is not a common enterprise.
  • Reasonable expectation of profits to be derived from the efforts of others? No , because the effort is a common effort by the entire Network.
  • The GMD - ERC20 Token Contract address can be seen here https://etherscan.io/token/0x2509B1A5FF82AB94172cFc527676AcF45C2A0D08
However, the DAO will have a second Token Model and this Model will be a Security. GMDST Tokens will be released to Members after the implementation of a real world project has been voted. This Token bears Ownership and Divided Rights. GMDST will always be backed by Tangibles like Land, Buildings, Water, Forrests, Food a.s.o. In this regard the Token will have a relative stable value , giving the Token holder certainty that his investment is secured. Along with the GMDST Token comes also an Ownership Certificate The proposed certificate will look like this:
For security reasons , in order to avoid duplication, fakes , and forgery, the certificate will be equipped with a Blockchain ID and broadcasted to the Network. The ID will always be connected to the Smart Contract and can be verified on the Block explorer. This is also important when the Certificate changes owners. The buyer can very easy verify its authenticity. The Certificate could also be printed and kept in a safe box.


Only 21.000.000 GMD - ERC20 Utility Tokens have been minted. Token Distribution will be as follows:
  • 5% representing 1.050.000 GMD will be used for the Bounty, Airdrop and Exchange Liquidity Program.
  • 1% representing 210.000 GMD will be distributed to early contributors and founders.
  • 94% representing 19.740.000 GMD will be distributed to contributors.
  • 1. 0.4 USD/1GMD for early birds during the Bounty Campaign
  • 2. 0.7 USD/1GMD After the Bounty Campaign until the IEO
  • 3. 1 USD/1GMD IEO price
Giving the Nature of the Project and its real world applications GMD /GMDST tokens can be swapped at a rate of 100 GMD/1GMDST.
  • GMD Token Holders can earn by stacking at a maximum rate of 10%/year.
  • GMDST Token Holders will earn monthly benefits from the projects of the DAO.


  • 2016 2019 - Research of over 2000 Blockchain Projects and their possible impact in the Economy
  • 2019 September - Creation of the GMD ERC20 Token in compliance with the SEC Howey Test
  • 2019 December - Launch of the Geoma DAO Website and Media Channels
  • 2020 January - Preparation for the Airdrop and Bounty Campaign
  • 2020 February - Start of the Bounty and Airdrop Campaign.
  • 2020 March-May - Formation Phase of the DAO.Vote on the best Blockchain for DAO usage.First Project Proposals.Vote on Projects
  • 2020 May-June - Begin of Project implementation.Listing preparations.Proposals and Vote for the best IEO Exchange.
  • 2020 June-July - IEO.Building Structure and Community.


  • Arthur Fleischer
  • Florin Vranceanu
  • Adrian Toma
  • Sylvester Anichebe


This is an “as simple as it gets”business model using DeFi and Blockchain Technology to create distributed wealth. The initial contribution stays intact while it generates benefits. Using real assets, combined with a DAO governance structure , makes the model fail resistant.Looking into the near future, where robots will have replaced a big part of the workforce, we can see DAO’s owning a part of the robot workforce. Should people fail to organise themselves thou, as DAO’s, or in any other form , the entire wealth produced would fall once again into the hands of the 1%. Each day 12,5 billion working hours , performed by people all over the Planet are not payed. Global Universal Income has passed the stage of just being an idea. This is in our opinion one of the most regressive ideas in human history. Imagine sitting around , doing nothing, waiting on some form of income totally controlled by governments and corporations. That is material for horror movies.
"That is why we should give it a try and succeed in our endeavour"




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