Sabtu, 06 Maret 2021

BKC is a DeFi protocol that aims to provide maximal recoil of the Ethereum ecosystem for everyone with access to the internet

Today there are many crypto-projects on the market that are technologically advanced, have interesting economic models or ideological background, but very few of them were created to fulfil the actual business needs of commercial enterprises of the real world. This leads to a very weak adoption of crypto-currencies in the real business world.

There is a massive influx of Blockchain Technologies available in today’s market since the birth of Bitcoin. It’s been a decade, but there is still limited implementation of the technology in the core enterprise process due to a lack of requirements in terms of scalability, flexibility, privacy and security. Tech Giants such as Amazon, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle are competing to develop Blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) solution that allows both large enterprises and businesses to implement, build and customize their own concept of centralized/decentralized applications. A new generation of Blockchain Technology has built to solve the above challenges and is ready for future mass adoption.

What is BucksCake's Project all about?

BKC is a DeFi protocol that aims to provide maximal recoil of the Ethereum ecosystem for everyone with access to the internet. BKC is unique by it's providing a completely secure and transparent experience proved by smart contracts and a powerful token system. BKC offers a lot of services, ranging from staking and yield farming, that users can get access on the unified BucksCake platform.

BucksCake's Features:


Users are interested in placing their tokens with the liquidity provider Uniswap. Commissions from these tokens are farmed. The percentage of these commissions is distributed according to an autonomous strategy, like the liquidity of the LP token, and is converted into (ETH-BKC) buyback (increasing the price). Any purchased BKC tokens will be delivered to speakers/farmers.


BKC has a strong impact on every token. Every time BKC token is transferred, a small commission is charged straightly by the farmers. This mechanism of work encourages holding and farming. The maximum number of BKC tokens is 450,000 units. And there will never be more of them.


BKC holders will be able to vote on various proposals as long as they have staked liquidity in the pools. The community will decide everything from developer fees and site design to access to specific farming options.

Token Distribution

Initial BKCs will be distributed during a pre-sale event, during which a part of the received ETH will be swapped for BKC giving the project its first "price pump". After the pre-sale ends, Unsold BKCs will be distributed between users as a one-time subsidy. As marked earlier, BKC doesn't have mining capability, the BKC cap (450,000) is fixed forever. There is no way to release more BKC. Part of unsold BKCs will be used to add liquidity to other DEX platforms such as SushiSwap, and some of them will be handed out as Airdrop to first investors and media partners and some will be burned.

Token Staking

The BKC staking protocol allows users to stake ETH, USDT, DAI, USDC, WBTC, BNB(ERC20) and of course BKC using a specialized Staking DApp. By a locking period of 72 hours, users can directly control their own tokens. The BKC Staking DApp can be found at: ssilka Unlike other platforms, BKC offers a fixed % return on their staked assets rather than offering an introductory high APR, which usually diminishes over a while. Our deductions guarantee long-term stability with the current state of the token structure and a limited amount of 450,000 BKC as there is not a mint provision in our token contract.

Staking on our platform is designed to be as fast and understandable as possible. With a single lockup period of 72 hours, users can enjoy the benefits of taking on our platform. Users can withdraw their funds with the received profit at any time after the end of the lockup period. Earned rewards can be collected without any commissions, excluding the gas price at a present time. Staked tokens on our platform will decrease the available circulating supply, which will have a positive impact on the BKC price.

Yield farming

Yield Farming, or as some call it Liquidity Mining, is the main pillar of DeFi's advancement in the blockchain space. Yield Farming is a way to accumulate income from invested funds. BKC Farming allows you to earn rewards for providing liquidity in various liquidity pools. Users will be provided with guaranteed payouts from Uniswap commissions. The amount of the reward depends on the number of tokens provided for the liquidity of the pool. The more members join the pool, the less each member will receive in the long term. When you add liquidity to the pool, you receive a UNIv2 (BKC-ETH) token for the wallet you use to add liquidity. This token is your access to the current farming pool on the BKC platform.

Vault Returns

User A's Share: (UNI-V2 deposited by you I contract total balance of UNI-V2) For example if there are 9000 UNI-V2 (BKC/ETH) Pooled tokens in this Vault, and a user deposits 1000 UNI-V2. The contract's total balance of UNI-V2(BKC-ETH) Pooled tokens becomes 10,000. And User A's share now is: 1000 / 10,000 = 10 % If user "B" deposits 10000 more UNI-V2(BKC-ETH) Pooled tokens to this vault, the contract's total balance of UNI-V2(BKC-ETH) Pooled tokens becomes 20,000. User A's new share becomes: 1000 / 20,000 = 5% If 200 BETH2 tokens are distributed to this vault per month, User A's earnings would be 200 x his share in % At 5% share, the earnings would be 200 x 5% = 10 BETH2

BKC Token

BKC is an ERC20 token and is used in every service available on BucksCake. The maximum supply is 450,000 BKC tokens. The token is deflationary and the burning mechanism will destroy the tokens that are on farming and staking after a while, leaving the final number of tokens (450,000-90,000) tokens. In total, up to 90,000 tokens will be removed from the ecosystem and a report on this will be published in our communities.

BKC Token Allocation

Pre-sale: 94,500 BKC - 21%
Community: 135,000 BKC - 30%
Staking: 90,000 BKC - 20%
Liquidity Lock: 90,000 BKC - 20%
Marketing: 9,000 BKC - 2%
Team: 22,500 BKC - 5%
Reserve: 9,000 BKC - 2%

Stable Profit Cloud Mining
For the last year, miner's earnings have grown significantly. Our platform allows you to get profit from mining without additional equipment.

For more information, kindly visit any of the links below

Publisher Information

Username: sarman_1
Profil :;u=2745629

Kamis, 04 Februari 2021

7PLUS COIN (SV7 COIN), which will serve as a utility token for ease of transaction and tracking of COVID- 19 medical textile products.



Today, the whole world is reeling from the outbreak of one of the most devastating pandemics in modern history. It has disrupted our work and put our lives in grave danger. Healthcare systems have been confronted with the ultimate test, but the lack of confidence in the product integrity of textile, medical supplies has become a major problem. Businesses are rallying to support and keep society moving forward in the best way they can. Penn Asia, a subsidiary of the Yeh Group of company, responds with the integration of blockchain into the supply chain process of its COVID-19 medical textile materials like facemasks, gloves, etc. Yeh Group is developing a digital asset called 7PLUS COIN (SV7 COIN), which will serve as a utility token for ease of transaction and tracking of COVID- 19 medical textile products.

About Yeh Group 

Yeh Group is Penn Asia's parent company with paid up capital of 500 million Baht a warp and weft knitting business with its dyeing and finishing. The company is located in Thailand, the heart of Southeast Asia, only 35 km west of Bangkok. Yeh Group manufactures functional fabrics (intimate apparel and sportswear) for the global market. The company manufactures mainly nylon and spandex yarns, although polyester with spandex is gaining ground as they serve as rigid fabrics. Yeh Group has been working in partnership with notable regional brands in underwear and sports for more than 25 years.

Tokenized Consumer Textile

SevenPlus Coin is an industry-level public blockchain that will revolutionize textile industry.

The global blockchain technology market size was valued at USD 1,590.9 million in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 69.4% from 2019 to 2025. The blockchain technology is one of the most promising upcoming technological trends in the information technology domain. It enables a ledger that can be accessed by parties involved in the transaction and can act as the universal irrefutable depository of all transactions between the involved parties.

The numerous benefits involved in developing such a platform have already attracted the attention and hence, investments, from the financial sector as well as many technological giants. Not only does the technology hold the ability to disrupt the way the financial sector often works but will also have ramifications on many other industries including consumer goods, and media & telecom, among others.

An innovative requiem for all Bitcoin transactions; the blockchain technology has also incorporated other cryptocurrencies, including Litecoin, Ripple, and Mintchip. Many financial institutions and banks are developing a keen interest in the technology, owing to its unique and innovative structure with regulatory bodies, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Bank of England, which are showing considerable interest in the matter.

A wide range of players in the finance market is looking out for investment opportunities and many have made the first phase of investments to develop products and services in the industry. Though the market may be struggling with regulatory uncertainties and security concerns, the coming years are expected to witness a larger role of the concerned technology in financial transactions, spanning diverse domains and industries.

Type Insights

On the basis of type, the market is segmented into the public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud. Public networks are the most dominant segment in the market owing to the growing tendency of the government and institutions to inculcate open and efficient transactions. For example, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) announced that the exchange had intentions to move Australia’s settlement and clearing systems on the blockchain platform.

The private network segment allows companies to modify rules and reverse transactions at comparatively cheaper transaction rates. These networks allow fixing of faults by manual interventions and at exceedingly high speeds. Private networks are expected to follow the public segment, albeit cautiously, and may witness a considerable rise in adoption in the coming years.

End-Use Insights

The blockchain technology tends to immensely benefit financial transactions that take place in businesses around the world by providing anonymity, openness, and efficiency by leveraging the capabilities of the internet era. The financial sector stands to benefit the most from the technology and has been a proactive partner and investor in the development from its initial stages. For instance, in September 2016, Bank of America Merrill Lynch collaborated with Microsoft Corporation to automate and digitize credit assessment process with blockchain technology. The digitalized process aimed at enhancing audit transparency and reducing counterparty risk.

Blockchain Technology Market Report Scope

Segments Covered in the Report

This report forecasts revenue growth at global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis of the latest industry trends in each of the sub-segments from 2015 to 2025. For the purpose of this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global blockchain technology market report on the basis of type, component, application, enterprise size, end-use

For more detailed information, please contact the link below:


Bitcointalk Username: sarman_1

Telegram Username: @sarman_1

Bitcointalk url:;u=2745629

Wallet address (eth): 0x8b5cEE0d380157786eD7ebb5dd788d5e7f44b25C

Kamis, 21 Januari 2021 іѕ а Defi уоu саn dо investment іn thеrе site lіkе farming, mining , staking , add liquidity, аnd deposit уоur HT token tо HTC оr HTS token



Thе concept оf decentralized finance (DeFi) hаѕ bесоmе ѕо potent thаt іt іѕ difficult tо separate thе prospect оf blockchain аnd crypto frоm thе success оr failure оf DeFi аѕ thе ideal alternative tо traditional financial systems. Owing tо thе importance оf innovations classified аѕ DeFi tо thе crypto economy, hеrе аrе fоur fundamentals оf DeFi.

Whаt іѕ DeFi?
DeFi, іѕ а nеw breed оf financial systems incorporating vаrіоuѕ degrees оf resistance tо central authorities аnd intermediaries – thе reason іt іѕ оftеn called Open Finance. Thеѕе financial tools tаkе advantage оf blockchain’s inherent capacity tо establish decentralized ecosystems wіth improved accessibility. Hence, а DeFi platform іѕ а blockchain-based financial product wіth а permissionless function tо ensure thаt services circumvent restrictions imposed оn traditional financial systems аnd аrе аvаіlаblе tо thе global market.
Thеѕе infrastructures lооk tо offer individuals mоrе control оvеr thеіr finances bу eliminating thе influences оf intermediate entities оn conventional financial processes. Tо achieve this, DeFi-enabled financial products implement smart contracts, whісh аrе increasingly expanding thе scope оf blockchain technology thrоugh thе establishment оf automated means оf scrutinizing, authorizing, аnd executing financial processes. Aѕ such, wе hаvе begun tо ѕее thе concept оf DeFi tаkе root іn vаrіоuѕ financial sectors, еvеn аѕ thе lending market continues tо experience аn unprecedented explosion оf DeFi-based crypto lending platforms. In thіѕ publication, і wіll bе discussing аbоut HT ANCHOR CASH protocol , thе nеxt generation StableCoin based оn blockchain technology.


HTC.CASH іѕ built іn Huobi Chain оr HECO. Huobi Token (HT) іѕ thе basic asset оn thе Huobi Ecological Chain (HECO), аnd wіth thе continuous development оf thе HECO ecosystem, thеrе transaction speed іѕ fast аnd thе fees аrе soo lоw , іt wіll јuѕt lеѕѕ thаn а cent реr transaction. Thіѕ іѕ perfect fоr еvеrу оnе dоіng business online , dоіng business оn cryptocurrency trading stuffs etc.
Huobi Token (HT) іѕ thе basic asset оn thе Huobi Ecological Chain (HECO), аnd wіth thе continuous development оf thе HECO ecosystem, а digital asset thаt pegged tо HT wіll inevitably bе needed tо meet thе growing demand fоr transactions. On thе оnе hand, thе transaction іѕ completed оn HECO. Compared wіth thе high GAS fee оn thе ETH chain, thе transaction fee оn HECO іѕ lоwеr аnd speed іѕ faster. On thе оthеr hand, digital assets pegged tо thе US dollar аnd gold wіll depreciate wіth thе inflation оf anchors, аnd thе total amount оf HT іѕ constant, ѕо thеrе іѕ nо devaluation problem.

Thе project іѕ HTC.CASH thе fіrѕt Algorithm Stablecoin pegged tо HT оn Heco Chain аnd thіѕ wіll bе thе bеѕt solution fоr еvеrу оnе thаt аlwауѕ оn thе go, іn thеrе businesses іn cryptocurrency space. site іѕ vеrу elegant аnd thе interface іѕ vеrу easy tо uѕе , уоu саn ѕее аlѕо thеrе products lіkе Bank, Bonds, Boardroom аnd Swap. Thе project іѕ јuѕt starting аnd developing јuѕt give thеm а lіttlе time аnd wе wіll ѕее mоrе products аnd features іn thеrе site. Sіnсе іѕ а Defi уоu саn dо investment іn thеrе site lіkе farming, mining , staking , add liquidity, аnd deposit уоur HT token tо HTC оr HTS token. Thіѕ іѕ thе bеѕt time fоr еvеrу оnе tо gеt іn tо thіѕ project wіll іt іѕ јuѕt starting bесаuѕе уоu саn choose whаt investment product уоu wаnt tо gо in.

HTC.CASH users wіll nо longer roaming tо оthеr site bесаuѕе іtѕ аlrеаdу а оnе stop shop. HTC.CASH hаѕ іt all. Thе ingredients уоu nееd аѕ а crypto investor оr а trader іѕ аlrеаdу іn here. If уоu wаnt tо stake уоur HT token оr аnу assets thаt іn HECO chain уоu саn dо іt іn HTC.CASH аnd If уоu wаnt tо mіnе HTC уоu hаvе tо add а pair оf assets tо liquidity pool аnd locking uр fоr а period оf time. That's thе advantage оf thе Defi project rіght nоw уоu саn mіnе оr stake уоur token tо earn mоrе rewards whіlе waiting fоr thе price tо gо up. Thаt іѕ whу I wаѕ nоt surprise thаt thе Defi іѕ blooming nоw а days іn thе crypto space аnd I bеlіеvе there's mоrе tо соmе аnd muсh funds wіll pouring оn іt bесаuѕе investors chasing оn іt , fоr thеу knоw thеу саn double thеrе money іn а vеrу short period оf time.



Thеrе аrе thrее kinds оf tokens іn thе HT ANCHOR CASH protocol, nаmеlу HTC (HT ANCHOR CASH), HTS (HT ANCHOR CASH Share) аnd HTB (HT ANCHOR CASH Bond). HTC аnd HTS саn bе obtained bу providing liquidity, аmоng whісh HTC іѕ pegged tо HT vаluе tо 1 HT (HTC:HT=1:1). HTS holders саn participate іn board staking tо obtain thе premium income generated bу HTC аftеr inflation.
Thе board оf directors wіll bе opened 4 days аftеr thе project іѕ opened. HTB іѕ а bond issued whеn thе price оf HTC іѕ lеѕѕ thаn 1 HT аnd саn bе uѕеd tо repurchase HTC. Whеn price оf HTC exceeds 1.1 HT, HTB holders саn exchange HTC bасk аt ratio оf 1:1.HT ANCHOR CASH stabilization mechanism.The HT ANCHOR CASH protocol wіll set а threshold fоr token price stability, аnd thе stability mechanism wіll bе triggered whеn іt іѕ аbоvе оr bеlоw thіѕ threshold.1.When HTC іѕ bеlоw 1 HT

Whеn HTC іѕ traded bеlоw 1 HT, users wіll bе аblе tо purchase HTB аt а сеrtаіn discount tо establish thе price stability оf HTC, wіth thе expectation оf future profits uроn redemption. Eасh bond promises thе holder еxасtlу 1 HTC аt ѕоmе point іn thе future undеr сеrtаіn conditions. Whеnеvеr а user purchases HTC, іt іѕ burned, causing а decrease іn thе circulating cash supply. Bonds dо nоt hаvе interest payouts, nоr dо thеу hаvе maturity оr expiration dates. Rather, thеу саn bе redeemed оn а 1:1 ratio wіth HTC whеn thе price rises аbоvе 1.1 HT.
Purchased bonds саn bе redeemed оn а 1:1 ratio wіth cash оnlу whеn thе oracle price оf cash іѕ аbоvе 1.1 HT. Thіѕ prevents bondholders frоm cutting thеіr losses оn redemptions аnd creating unnecessary increases іn supply.2.When HTC exceeds 1.1 HT.
If thе price оf HTC exceeds 1.1 HT, bond redemption wіll bе triggered. If thе price оf HTC іѕ ѕtіll traded аbоvе 1.1 HT еvеn аftеr bonds аrе redeemed, nеw HTC wіll bе minted resulting frоm thе increasing demand аnd wіll bе fаіrlу distributed tо HTS holders.#HTCCASH #HTC #DEFI #HECO #HuobiEcochain



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Senin, 18 Januari 2021

the first WST tokens have been minted to supply the Swap Pool for Steem to WST.

 Our domain is now live and the Swap function is already working. There are still here and there some frontend adjustments ongoing, but the first WST tokens have been minted to supply the Swap Pool for Steem to WST.
Overview of current function and explanation.

1) Swapping

You will need both Keychain and Tronlink installed on your Web Browser. Input your to be swapped Steem into the window and additionally your Steem Id (which needs to be installed within your Keychain with Activekeys).


You will see a new popup with Orcas swimming around and also Steem Keychain asking for confirmation. After confirming, you will see that Keychain successfully transferred the amount from your Steem ID to @projectw.


The cross-blockchain transfer itself can take up to 5 min. as the service needs to check your Steem incoming and sending your WST tokens then to your TRX address.

You can add meanwhile WST to your wallet. Click on Tronwallet and press Asset Management on the right side of Tronlink.


Enter the following address in the search bar to add WST to your wallet.

  • TCMroNL1iNGJDtKdyiZmNLotjcVjJxnb3X


The swapping process from WST to Steem is similar, except that you can send your WST to any Steem account you want. You don't need the Active Keys for a Steem account to send swapped WST. The swap system will warn if you are trying to send your WST swapped into Steem to an account that does not exist on Steem. But please be aware that any wrong swapped and send Steem to an unknown account will be lost.

2. Next Steps


We are planning the first mining pool for PWT tokens based on WST-TRX LP on the 30th of September 2020 at 10:00 AM UTC.

  • Time: 30th of September 2020 / 10:00 AM (UTC)
  • WST-TRX LP Pool Size: 15,000 PWT
  • Halving: every 60 days


The PWT-TRX Pool will be opened when the Swap Qty. from Project W is big enough to create the Reverse Vault mechanism.


author :
Name : Sarman_1
Profil :;u=2745629
ETH    : 0x8b5cEE0d380157786eD7ebb5dd788d5e7f44b25C

Kamis, 14 Januari 2021

Sugarlive is a social media application based on a live streaming video social network that contains video content that is entertaining and has Indonesian cultural values



Increasingly sophisticated technology makes communication now easier to do. Agree? Imagine, there are so many applications with interesting and varied features that support us to communicate and interact directly. Starting from short messages, exchanging voices to being able to meet face to face directly via video. And of course, we are already familiar with the video call application to the live streaming application.


Sugarlive is a social media application based on a live streaming video social network that contains video content that is entertaining and has Indonesian cultural values.

Content creators and broadcasters in Indonesia from all over the world can spread new content that will be broadcast live on Sugarlive. Keep in mind that Sugarlive is a live streaming platform, so content creators and broadcasters will interact directly with their fans across the archipelago right away; listen to comments, get feedback and of course get appreciation. The two-way interaction between the idol and their fans takes place live on every Sugarlive broadcast.


As an application made by the nation's children, Sugarlive also wants to make Indonesia proud in the international world. We want to provide wider exposure space for Indonesian culture, arts, and tourism to make it even more famous in the eyes of the world.


We want to be a means of meeting the communication and interaction needs of today's mainstream generations. At the same time, we want to be a special social media for entertainment for today's generation. Therefore, we will provide full support to local content creators to be able to create creative content typical of Indonesia's current generation that is informative, entertaining, educational, and most importantly; Very Indonesian.

The features of this application allow users in Indonesia to provide comments, digital prizes and follow their favorite broadcasters.


What are the benefits of being a Sugarlive Official Host?

The advantage of OH Sugarlive is that by being actively online every day you will get paid / salary. So Sugarlive will pay you when it is registered as Official Host.

What are the requirements to become an Official Host of Sugarlive?

  • Have talent and insight
  • Confidence
  • Have an ID card and a savings book
  • And must follow Sugarlive's rules

Total Sugar Live mobile app revenue in November 2020 was < $5k, including < $5k for iOS apps and < $5k for Android apps. Total mobile app downloads for Sugar Live was < 5k, including < 5k iOS app downloads and < 5k Android app downloads. Sugar Live has a total of 1 apps, including 0 iOS apps, and 1 Android apps. Their top grossing app last month was Sugar Live and their most downloaded app was Sugar Live.



  • Ensure you have BNB in your wallet
  • Set GAS : 200,000 (Recommended)
  • Send MINIMUM 0.05 BNB to our smartcontract [0x591562b039a2f363ae397c988c01fedd06e3ace0]
  • Wait until transaction success and you get your SLV.

SugarLive is social video entertainment platform for connecting, interacting and broadcasting

  • SLV max supply is - 100,000,000
  • Presale allocation - 10,000,000
  • Presale price - 120000 tokens per 1 BSC
  • Publicsale price - 100000 tokens per 1 BSC


Minimum contribution for presale 0.05 BNB.

  • Maximum send 5 BNB.
  • Allocation for presale 10.000.000 SLV,
  • Price 1 BNB = 100.000 SLV.
  • get bonus 20% on presale.

Pornhub is leveraging the payment processor Probiller and the service supports bitcoin (BTC), bitcoin cash (BCH), dash (DASH), ethereum (ETH), ethereum classic (ETC), litecoin (LTC), monero (XMR), nem (XEM), tether (USDT), tron (TRX), verge (XVG), waves (WAVES), and zcash (ZEC)


"Sugarlive provides a platform for expression, showing talents, promoting business products & services, concerts, sharing experiences, conducting questions and answers, expanding knowledge, community, creating prize quizzes and many other things that can be done, with only the sky as the limit."

For more infor visite us on:


Username: sarman_1
Telegram Username: @sarman_1
Profil :;u=2745629
ETH : 0x8b5cEE0d380157786eD7ebb5dd788d5e7f44b25C