Selasa, 22 Desember 2020

Maxone Club offers many conveniences for its members in terms of safety and coziness.

You will find many different types of trading platforms out there. One of the potential trading platforms for the future is Maxone Club. Why? Maxone Club offers many conveniences for its members in terms of safety and coziness. This platform provides many trading products such as commodities, stocks, cryptocurrencies, foreign exchange, and indices. Maxone Club is trusted to provide the best professional service and can be relied on by customers.

By joining the Maxone Club , you will get the opportunity to make a profit up to $ 300 every week. The profit comes from the bounty system that created by Maxone Club. How does it work? Please read this article to the end.

Maxone Club caters to individual and institutional financial specialists with a wide range of even unfamiliar items for trading. You can trade using gadgets such as smartphones and personal computers. Maxone Club has a mission to go global by determining the scale of the exchange to reach 10,000,000 users worldwide.

Binary Option

As per the title you have read, you may don't understand what Binary Options are. Basically, Binary Options are a simple way to trade price fluctuations in several global markets. Binary options are completely different from traditional options where traders have to understand the risks and rewards of this instrument. Differences are also evident in the payment of the liquidity structure and the investment process.

Maxone Club excellent features

The Maxone Club team consists of financial professionals with more than 15 years of cumulative experience in the global forex market. The hope for the future is that everyone or traders can trade simply and easily. Maxone Club also offers some of its excellent features on its official website.

Easy payment
Maxone Club already supports several standard trading currencies such as ETH, USDT, and ERC-20.

Daily cash out
This feature allows users to start the payment process automatically at the end of each day. This is a competitive program for investors and partners ib.

Safe & Secure
Maxone Club ensures that your data is confidential and cannot be manipulated.

Main Services

As one of the leading trading platforms in the world, Maxone Club will always provide the best service for its users. There are at least 6 best services that will be provided by Maxone Club :
  1. Crypto Trading Platform
  2. Smart Trading Modules
  3. Adaptive Social Assistant
  4. Analyzer of the News
  5. Exchange Order Management
  6. Module of Price Notification

Maxone Club provides applications for smartphones and computers with a user-friendly interface. It can even be used by people who are not very experienced in the forex market.

How to get a bounty?

The last and most interesting point is how to get profit every week. The trick is to collect Maxone coins by participating in one or more Maxone Club social media campaigns such as Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram. For information, 1 max coin is equivalent to $ 1. However, each campaign enforces several rules so that you can get coins every week. Every social media has different rules with different share amounts of coins too.

That's all the information about the Maxone Club trading platform. This platform is very attractive and has great potential for the future. What's more, this platform is integrated into all smartphone and computer devices.

For more information about Maxone Club, you can visit the link below:
Username : Sarman_1
Profile :;u=2745629
ETH : 0x8b5cEE0d380157786eD7ebb5dd788d5e7f44b25C

Senin, 07 September 2020

The Scalpex



The Scalpex exchange is an exceptional distributed exchanging stage, offering utilized purchase and sell contracts with probably the most reduced commissions available, influence of up to x100, an institutional-grade coordinating motor, industry-driving security and computerized methodology choices dependent on an extraordinary assortment of exchanging robots. We perceive all the potential dangers which could happen while the trade propelling. We plainly build up our skill and involvement with development of complex frameworks. Dealing with the customers' assets is an incredible duty, that is the reason the security issue is our need. We are likewise cognizant that drawing in customers is a costly and testing task. Subsequently Scalpex consistently invites new accomplices, consultants and speculators

The significant wellspring of salary for the trade are commissions for exchanges. Scalpex charges a little (0.04%) commission for performing exchanging procedure on the trade. In this manner an organization's salary straightforwardly relies upon the volume of performed exchanges. We will extensively expand the exchanging volume through the exchanging robots, since robots could play out a few times a greater number of exchanges than the conventional trader.nCompany's costs comprise mostly of operational costs like pay, charges, framework upkeep and showcasing costs like publicizing, advancement, and so forth.


Our features and benefits :

Automatic strategies :

Our platform has a robot marketplace. It is a list of robots with a recent history of profit/loss. Customers are able to choose the best performing robot, allocate part of the deposit, select the maximum risk limit and then just push the Start button. Robots follow predefined algorithms, place orders and make trades. Customers receive a profit 24 hours per day and 7 days per week with no manual interaction with the market.

Linear contracts :

Most often while trading on the crypto exchange you have to hold all your assets (which is also used for margin requirement) in BTC. Furthermore the trade contract is worth in USD of Bitcoin, and is quoted in USD.

Low fees :

The major source of income for the exchange are commissions. Our commissions are one of the lowest on the market - 0.04% is taker’s commission and 0% is maker’s commission for margin trading. For spot trading both sides will have 0.1% commission. And beyond that, the commission could be decreased by using tokens, bonus programs
or otherwise.

First Matching engine :

One of the most common problems for modern crypto exchanges is the inability to process user requests during high volatility when every second matters. The matching engine of our platform is able to handle tens of thousands requests in a second, meanwhile working stable in case of high load.

Security :

The security of the exchange is a priority for us. Scalpex meets all modern-day requirements. Users for their part could enable the two-factor authentication and setup alerts for important operations such as making deposits and withdrawing money. All the users’ assets are held on the cold wallets - there is no remote access to them, and all withdrawal requests are processed manually. We are constantly thinking about the safety of our system and conducting regular audits of all components.

Quick UI :

Scalpex works snappy and stable on each stage even right now of fast market developments

High Leverage :

Our exchange offers the users various options of trading leverage - up to X100. This way users get better earning opportunities while using lower deposits for the margin requirement and an ability to trade small market movements.

Scalpex Token :

The company is launching the Scalpex token (SXE). Token is a smart contract (ERC-20) in the Ethereum network. A total of 50 000 000 tokens will be released, an additional emission is not available.



Token distribution :


Funds distribution :

  • 40% of funds will be spent for the platform development and support
  • 40% of funds will be spent for the marketing purposes
  • 20% of funds will be reserved for contingencies


July 2019 release

August 2019 Registration of Scalpex Limited LTD.

5 May 2020 Release of the private

invitation-only alpha

2nd half of August 2020 — Start of the Scalpex token


  • Start of the marketing campaign
    1st half of September 2020 Preview release for token holders
  • Trading robots
  • Support of USDT

2nd half of September 2020 Release of the public beta

  • Spot trading
  • Scalpex token listing
  • Start of token repurchasing
    October 2020 Release of the public beta 2
  • Trading helpers
  • Cross margin

November 2020 Public release

1st Quarter 2021 New trading instruments

  • ETH, altcoins
  • Synthetic instruments

2rd Quarter 2021 Release of the mobile application


The core of the team was formed in 2011 and since then has worked together on a different set of challenging projects.

Mikhail Shabunin / Founder & CTO

Alexey Zarya / Head of PR & Marketing

Kirill Chebunin / Head of development

Dmitry Modin / Developer

Igor Titov / Developer

For more detailed information, please visit the link below:

Website :

Website Purchase :

Website Exchange :

Whitepaper :

Facebook :

Twitter :

Telegram :


Username : sarman_01

Profile  :;u=2745629

ETH  : 0x8b5cEE0d380157786eD7ebb5dd788d5e7f44b25C

Selasa, 28 Juli 2020

BRND Token, the fundamental token of the Brand Tokens biological system, is a Token as a Service (TaaS). Organizations can make their own one of a kind token (xB) on the Brand Tokens arrange

Brand Token | Physical Products for Digital Brands

In financial matters, unit of account is one of the elements of cash. The estimation of something is estimated in a particular money. This permits various things to be looked at against one another; for instance, products, administrations, resources, liabilities, work, pay, costs. It loans significance to benefits, misfortunes, risk, or resources.

A unit of account in budgetary bookkeeping alludes to the words that are utilized to portray the particular resources and liabilities that are accounted for in fiscal summaries instead of the units used to quantify them. Unit of account and unit of measure are once in a while treated as equivalent words in monetary bookkeeping and financial matters.

Brand token is a unit of account, which is made and accounted on the Blockchain. Brand tokens can be utilized as dependability focuses which implies that they are given by a brand and convey to customers as a compensation for wanted practices like shopping, social commitment or alluding new customers and so on.

BRND Token, the fundamental token of the Brand Tokens biological system, is a Token as a Service (TaaS). Organizations can make their own one of a kind token (xB) on the Brand Tokens arrange. With their own one of a kind token, organizations can remunerate their clients effectively without changing their image picture. We are helping clients to get increasingly fun, better arrangements, and another method of giving important criticism to brands. Token information total empowers better approaches for content investigation and circulation, making proposals from companions increasingly significant and dependable. Brand tokens are ERC20 standard tokens gave utilizing the Ethereum open Blockchain.

Brand Token is a platform to manage all your token needs. - YouTube
In what manner can my business profit by tokenization?
Tokens are a ground-breaking devotion apparatus, that give your customers the sentiment of moment compensates that can be used right a way. Occupant dependability arrangements have low commitment and reclamation levels - dominant part of customers don't have the foggiest idea how much focuses they have. This is on the grounds that point can't be moved and they rapidly lapse, which demoralize customers and they lose enthusiasm for items and unwaveringness arrangements. With tokens they can without much of a stretch trade their compensations for something different, and gather tokens from a wide range of brands to receive what they need consequently. Giving them the sentiment of satisfaction. Tokens, on account of their transferability, additionally give valuable information about your customers. You can see where the customer originated from, who gave him your tokens, what are his ways of managing money - giving you a possibility of giving him all the more fulfilling administration.

Notwithstanding the predominance of the devotion rewards framework, the current model is broken. A few clients could never recover their focuses and the individuals who might discover the procedure hazy. Brand Tokens is a dependability prize and trade stage driven by blockchain. We are designing progressive new use cases and another method of building steadfastness among brands and clients. With our assistance, brands can issue, oversee, and use blockchain-based devotion tokens to compensate and give another, better, and perfect understanding for clients. Tokens are effectively interchangeable, fluid, and evaluated continuously alleviating overhanging obligation from officeholder dedication arrangements. Brands get a minimal effort, moment delight framework to keep current clients cheerful and pull in AI profiled new ones adequately.

Officeholder steadfastness arrangements depend on focuses, that can't be moved or traded. Focuses regularly lapse or swell turning out to be pointless and giving clients the sentiment of being cheated or utilized. As a result of that customers lose enthusiasm for the focuses based unwaveringness arrangements and brands themselves.

You tokens are money like prizes, which implies that every token has a worth, that you can spend as you wish. On Brand Tokens stage you can likewise reclaim them for items, administrations or rewards of your decision. You can offer them to another person, trade them for fiat monetary forms like USD or EUR, or cryptographic forms of money like ETH or BTC.

Your token can have a fiscal worth, in particular if it's exchanged available/trade. At exactly that point can individuals purchase or sell your token. Value/estimation of your token is then set by the market, which really implies that is worth as much as somebody is happy to pay for it. To comprehend what the cost of your token is, check the keep going exchange on your tokens advertise. There is no fixed worth, and you can't drive it to be fixed.

How might I win all the more utilizing tokens? 
The most effective method to utilize them best to gather more tokens, you can check how your preferred brands convey tokens to their clients on their subpage. Exchanging is another approach to acquire more from tokens, yet exchanging is related with chance. You can either pick up or lose your cash, so you shouldn't exchange on the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea what you are doing.


Website :
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Facebook :
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Medium :
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User name : sarman_1
Eth : 0x8b5cEE0d380157786eD7ebb5dd788d5e7f44b25C

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2020

Cowrie is the original digital currency from Cowrium. This name was adopted from sea mollusks that were used as money in ancient times

Cowrium (CWR) - ICO rating and details | ICObench

Cowrie is the original digital currency from Cowrium. This name was adopted from sea mollusks that were used as money in ancient times. In addition to currency similarity, the Cowrie excavation process is also known as mining, which also shows blockchain mining.

Cowrium is an all-encompassing digital economic center, building the future of Cryptocurrency, a Multidimensional Decentralized Blockchain Platform and a home for genuine Cowrie cryptocurrency that intentionally drives SMEs and gives power back to people as consumers or traders with the ability to purchase products / services and accept payment via cryptocurrency of their choice. Cowrie is the original cryptocurrency from the Cowrium platform that is being developed to allow anyone, regardless of ability, easy access to cryptocurrency.

Cowrium is a Multidimensional Decentralized Blockchain Platform created with the aim of encouraging SMEs to use advanced technology for better growth and to enable people to use cryptocurrency as a payment method for buying products and services.

The ICO Sale of Cowrium Goes Live. Join Now for the Best Offers ...

Cowrium's Mission
To make the adoption of blockchain easier, faster and more profitable for small businesses & companies around the world, and make Cowrium / Cowrie a household name globally

All Cowrium
Projects Cowrium is not only a blockchain aimed at expanding existing economies, but also a system a completely new economy is currently being developed on blockchain technology.
We understand that the first requirement for building a strong independent network such as Cowrium is to provide liquidity and various ways for users to obtain and use Cowrie coins (CWR). With that aim, our talented and experienced development team works hard to build a unique economic system to make it easier for traders and users.
All devices in the system will be directly linked to the Cowrium Pay module, accessing which will require users to provide their unique identity. This will act as the Financial System of the entire economic system, allowing you to save, withdraw, make payments, lend CWR coins, link or request a Cowrium Debit / Credit Card for use with our ATMs, POS Terminals or Card Readers located all over the World . The Payment Module and the Cowrium Financial System will be supported by a separate entity from the Cowrium Foundation.
Furthermore, to create a successful and independent economic system, the Cowrium Network will implement the Governance features, which have been found in several cryptocurrency, including Dash. This feature is designed to give certain rights to Masternode holders, including the ability to choose, fund or reject proposals submitted by community members, including but not limited to event sponsors, charities, developer prizes, and more. The crowdfunding feature will enable the community to raise funds for their projects and media development events, without relying on third-party development teams.

Cowrium Airdrop is 80 CWR tokens worth $6 to each airdrop participant.
The Cowrium Blockchain Project:
- The Cowrium Project consists of the following 5 entities: -
Multidimensional intelligent contracts

* Cowrie - mass-oriented cryptocurrency

* CowDEX - Highly secure decentralized exchange

* ErrandBoy - DAP that allows you to send cryptos & receive them in Fiat

* Cowrie Stability AI - Artificial intelligence systems that can predict markets and help 
suggest predictable solutions - while the system The buffer helps stabilize Cowrie and protect it from market volatility.

The Cowrium Platform The Cowrium
is a blockchain project developed to help Small and Medium Enterprises easily adopt a comprehensive blockchain solution to better reach thousands of customers doing business through the SME industry.

The Cowrie Coins, which are the official digital currencies of the Cowrium platform, represent digital currencies that will effectively replace physical money. The aim is to increase adoption of blockchain technology through an easy-to-use platform.
Cowrium uses a 2-Hop network. In the first hop, the miner identifies the block and records the transaction to the blockchain. Miners, of course, are rewarded with new coins being mined in return. Other hops consist of Masternodes which are hosted on a virtual private server (VPS). This is a special server that allows instant and personal transactions, budgeting, and government decentralization.
Mining: The Cowrium Blockchain combines mining in the browser with Cellular Mining as a support system for CPU and GPU miners, allowing the level of Cowrium's passion to be truly decentralized, protected from 51% attacks and providing better benefits for web and cellular miners.

Masternodes: Masternodes: Cowrium POS Masternodes are similar to Dash, which provide an almost instant network and secure anonymous payments and transactions. Cowrium Blockchain allows CWR holders to get a fixed prize through betting, in return for their help to secure the network.

Masternode Cowern!
This provides the security, speed and anonymity needed to process payments and digital transactions through the Cowrium network.
The betting system of the Cowrium blockchain will allow existing CWR holders to get annual fixed income in the form of prizes, in return for their contribution to maintaining network security. In addition to VPN-based Masternodes, users can also engage in web and mobile CWR coin bets.

Cowrium Project Bounty Token... - Cowrium - Cowrie | Facebook

Detail TokenSale:
  • Tokensale runs from 01 Jan 2020 (00:01 AM UCT)
  • Tokensale ends May 30, 2020 (11:59 PM UCT)
The token sold is 1,000,000,000 CWRX
Token price: 1 CWR: 0.075 $
Token distribution:


  • Emmanuel Haastrup, Founder, Chief Conductor
  • Praveen Dagdi, Product Manager
  • Deepanshu Bhatt, Kepala Pemasaran
  • Shobhit Sharma, Leading Blockchain Development
  • Priyanka Chouhan, Leader of Business Development
  • Extraordinary Aanuoluwapo, Leading Community Development
  • Kshama Verma, Dev Backend Utama, API, NODE
  • Pedetin A. Obadimeji, Legal Lead
  • Chloe Khok, Process & Training
  • Assistant Technician, Tech
  • Bado Faisal, Business Development
  • Marina Sokolova, Business Development

You can visit the official website below.

● Website:
●  Twitter: